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Any resident or non-resident foreigner with financial affairs in Spain will need a foreigner’s tax identification number, a Número de Identificación de Extranjero (NIE). This includes both EU citizens and those from a non-EU nation.


Spaniards have the equivalent Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF) and companies have the Certificado de Identificación Fiscal (CIF). Both serve as a fiscal identification number.

Getting your

NIE-Number and Spanish bank account

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Once you have arrived in Spain, to live permanently, you have 3 months in which to acquire your NIE. The application process can be inconsistent, often changing from area to area.

You must have an NIE number to:

- Be paid by an employer
- Pay taxes
- Open a Spanish bank account
- Attain a Spanish driver’s licence
- Buy or sell property
- Insure property
- Attain a business permit with which to start a business
- Take out a mortgage
- Arrange any credit terms
- Register with an employment agency
- Register with social services to begin receiving social security benefits

There are different ways to get a NIE. When you are looking for a method without hassle, @Robin Veerman Property Management SL we offer a way in which you hardly have to arrange anything yourself. The only thing you must do is to have an official copy made of your passport by a notary in Playa de Aro (Platja D'Aro). The perfect moment to do this is when you are with us here in Spain (for example when viewing properties with us). We guide you in making the copies at the notary’s office and we will do the rest of the application procedure for the NIE in collaboration with our Spanish Gestor (accounting firm).

The total prepaid costs for a NIE via this hassle-free route via Robin Veerman Property Management SL are €165 + 21% VAT per NIE. You’ll receive an invoice to pay the costs in advance and you will receive your NIE after a few weeks.

Opening your Spanish bank account

- To open your Spanish bank account the following is required:

- Photographic proof of identity (passport or ID card)
- Proof of occupation/job or business
- NIE number
- Confirmation of your permanent living adress

If you have all the above, you should be able to open an account immediately although it make take a few days for cards & check books to come through.

Robin Veerman Property Management SL can help you with this, free of charge, simultaneously with the NIE application procedure.

If you wish to receive more information, please use this contact form to choose the specific subject or call Robin directly on +34 671 224 320.

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